The Park Boulevard Yoga Center, located at 4226 Park Blvd in Oakland, CA, provides a serene environment for yoga enthusiasts. It offers a range of classes designed for all experience levels, ensuring that everyone can find a class that suits their needs. The experienced instructors and intimate class sizes create a personal and engaging experience that keeps members coming back.
The studio's flexible schedule caters to both early risers and those preferring late sessions. However, limited hours on Fridays and Wednesdays, as well as the closing on major holidays, might be a drawback for some. Overall, this is an excellent choice for those seeking a peaceful yoga experience in Oakland.
- Located in a serene environment.
- Catering to all experience levels.
- Experienced instructors.
- Intimate class sizes.
- Personal and engaging experience.
- Flexible schedule for various preferences.
- Friendly and welcoming community.
- Clean and well-maintained studio.
- Limited hours on Fridays and Wednesdays.
- Closed on major holidays.
- Parking can be challenging at times.
Location / Contact
- Address: 4226 Park Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602, United States
- Phone:+1 510-798-3712
- Email:[email protected]
Rating Stats
Frequently Asked Questions
Except the peak hours, this place remains quite free or moderately crowded.
This business has a rating of 5.0-star.
This business has 0 reviews.
The address is: 4226 Park Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602, United States .
The contact number is +1 510-798-3712
This service is listed under Yoga Studio .
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