HSC Fitness Center, located at 2001 N Soto St, Los Angeles, offers a comprehensive physical fitness program. Known for its killer workouts, friendly staff, and an inclusive environment, it caters to various fitness goals like 6-week challenges and regular training. Upstairs, a fully furnished gym awaits, fitted with top-notch equipment including respected brands like Rogue. While modest in size, members praise its tidiness and how it's usually not cramped.
The gym is easy to operate within and prioritizes customer safety, ensuring that the gym users wipe their areas with antiseptic wipes. It provides yoga, among many other classes, and despite the occasional times when it gets crowded, members still generally find the apparatus they need. However, some members feel that some rooms for improvement, chiefly in terms of accessibility and equipment upgrade.
- Has regular training facilities as well as specialized 6-week challenges
- Highly rated for cleanliness
- Usually not crowded, leading to efficient use of gym equipment
- The gym equipment includes prestigious brands like Rogue
- Machines and weights available in abundance, although benches can sometimes be scarce
- Enthusiastic, encouraging, and friendly staff
- Yoga classes available
- Respects customers' need for quiet by not blaring loud music
- Most users committed to maintaining cleanliness by using antiseptic wipes
- Despite being smaller than its counterparts, it has its own loyal crowd
- Limited accessibility: parking is only paid and entrance may sometimes require a card
- Occasionally, customers have to wait for benches or power racks
- Gym could benefit from better institutional attention and equipment upgrade
Location / Contact
- Address: 2001 N Soto St, Los Angeles, CA 90031, United States
- Phone:+1 323-442-7210
- Website:recsports.usc.edu
Rating Stats
Reviews (10)
Frequently Asked Questions
Except the peak hours, this place remains quite free or moderately crowded.
This business has a rating of 4.6-star.
This business has 10 reviews.
The address is: 2001 N Soto St, Los Angeles, CA 90031, United States .
The contact number is +1 323-442-7210
This service is listed under Physical Fitness Program .
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Joseph Gordon
1 year ago
Killer workouts, awesome and encouraging staff, and full gym upstairs. They have 6 week challenges and a regular membership to fit whatever your fitness goals may be!
mel mayorga
1 year ago
Very clean, great machines, not crowded and can hear my music on my earbuds because music is not too loud!
gilbert limbo
1 year ago
Very clean work out place most members if not all make sure they clean their area before and after with antiseptic wipes.
William Brown
2 years ago
My home! Best campus gym at USC.
Iza Dabrowski
2 years ago
Prefer this gym over lyon. Usually not packed but you'll get a time once in a while where it's crowded but still able to use machines and equipment.
Hung-Chih Lee
2 years ago
A great gym, staffs are super friendly. Highly recommend
Christina Tellez
5 years ago
Love the yoga class by Fatimata! Gym is not packed at all, you can always count on a finding the machine or treadmill you need.
Christopher Vargas
6 years ago
A great gym! This gym features Rouge equipment with plenty of weights and not enough benches. It's a smaller gym and has many great things going for it. But some days the wait for a bench or a power rack can be as much as 10-15 minutes. I now feel spoiled going to my home gym, Golds in Pasadena. All together, I enjoy working out at the fitness center, but love my main gym more.
Riya Kabaria
6 years ago
Great staff and good space to work out but deliberately ignored by the institution compared to the gyms on the main campus and the village. All the medical crowd goes there and this gym can definitely use USC level renovation and equipment upgrade.
Thomas Irwin
6 years ago
The gym itself is pretty well maintained and has good equipment. It unfortunately is not the most accessible, parking is all paid, and non students must be sure to go at hours when the front door does not require a card to get in