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Planet Fitness in Lake Elsinore offers a clean and welcoming environment for gym-goers at an affordable price. The gym operates 24/7, making it convenient for any schedule. Many users appreciate the cleanliness and the friendly, supportive staff. The gym enforces a 'no gymtimidation' policy, creating a comfortable atmosphere for beginners and intermediates.

Despite the many positives, some members have reported inconsistent cleanliness, especially in the showers and bathroom areas. Additionally, concerns about the enforcement of dress codes and staff professionalism have been raised. Overall, Planet Fitness is a solid choice for those looking for a budget-friendly gym with basic amenities.


  • Open 24/7
  • Affordable membership rates
  • 'No gymtimidation' policy
  • Clean environment
  • Friendly and supportive staff
  • Good variety of workout machines
  • Hydromassage chairs for relaxation
  • Free guest pass for Black Card members
  • Reasonable parking availability
  • Helpful for beginners and intermediates


  • Inconsistent cleanliness in showers and bathrooms
  • Issues with staff professionalism
  • Dress code enforcement could be better

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Reviews (120)


I went in to joy about two months or so ago. The young lady who was helping me was very informative and nice. It was the "Supervisor" that was belittling her at every turn. Telling her in a rather rude and condescending tone, "See this is why you ask people if they have their check books with them before you start filling out paper work" and other rude behavior; I handed everything back and told them both I would think about joining - I can just imagine how they would treat the members!!! Then I started reading the review and see that it didn't improve - wonder how many of the people working there are friends with the owners kids??? But, one review that really bugs me is the one where the guy said an alarm goes off when he is working out to point out that he is a body builder - no one bothered to reply to his comment, confirm nor deny, so I think that it is true... you do get judged. At least at I can get a good work out in at LA Fitnesses and although I am not a body builder at least I know no one at LA Fitness will judge me.....


Talk about a let down. Ashley at planet fitness signed me and my daughter up on 7/20/16. She never told us anything about my daughter being to young when we filled out the contract and also none of staff said anything to us while we spent the afternoon there. Today 7/21/16, I got home from work and my 10yr old daughter was ready to go work out. When we got there another girl at the desk asked how old my guest was and I told her she is 10. She said sorry she is not aloud in here. say what!! Talk about a bate and switch. Seems to me most of the staff needs more training so this doesn't happen to anybody else. This is very disappointing.


This gym has a great setup! The weight machines are set up to where ur not staring at ur neighbor. The staff is is nice and they dont nag u, which is so important to me lol. Ive been working out at home for years n years, so a comfortable gym setting is really important to me and when i workout here i feel like im at home except i have these awesome weight machines lol! Idk why the reviews are only at 3 stars because the gym is clean, staff does not make u feel like ur dealing with a cars salesman to join classes lol and the bathrooms and locker rooms are clean. All the machines are clean also. Thanks Planet Fitness u have reprogrammed how i think of a gym experience!


As a customer (at the moment), I am including my review in hopes that it will improve the service not only for me but for others as well. It is very clear that the staff is far too young, lacking experience and knowledge of the facility, and is a direct reflection of the training they have received...or lack there of.My experience began a month prior to your opening when I called for more information regarding the plans and had a young girl on the phone who was laughing the entire time she was speaking with me. I experienced what the pf in N. CA was like and decided to go ahead and sign up for this one. A young man helped me sign up if that is what you want to call that. He provided no info. No tour, no explanation of plans, just "sign here" multiple times. I returned once alone and was a good experience. However, my second time I brought my daughter as a guest. A young girl says she needs to see her id. I explain she is 15, no id. She proceeds to say she needs a school id. At which time I indicate she does home schooling. She tells me she needs an id for your system. I inform her that the North. CA loc. Is not that way and she says that is because you are a franchise. Mind you I drove 20 minutes to get there only to turn around and leave. I call on my way home and ask for a mgr. And the young girl who helped me, tells me she is the manager...whoa! I ask if there is any way around this id issue because I just assume cancel after 1 time if this is how it is and she says yes there is a form you can complete and I was going to tell you that but you left. I am sorry but she absolutely should not be a manager. She lacks the experience, customer service and quite frankly the conflict resolution needed to perform this task. I sincerely hope I do not experience anything else such as this again, otherwise I have full intention on cancelling my membership.


I have been going here for a month now and the crew seems very helpful, friendly and upbeat. the machines are built heavy duty so you wont feel like it will break under a big amount of weight. JUDGMENT FREE ZONE it's true no-one forces you to do anything you don't feel like. Bad part is that if your a black card member the aqua beds are being repaired 2-3 times a week.


I love this gym!!! The staff is so friendly, great customer service. I work out twice a day & always see them cleaning. Womens restroom is always clean. I'm so happy you guys came to Elsinore. Good job Planet Fitness!


Lies. They say they dont judge... Yet they have an alarm discouraging body builders. Dont go here if you drink out of gallon jug while you work out lol. You well get judged and called a "lunk".They are too lazy to have a staff that teaches and promotes proper gym etiquette so instead they have a obnoxious alarm that humiliates individuals in a “judgment free” zone and promotes a hateful environment amongst members.


Not pros at sales but appreciated the sincerity and drive to give it a go. Very young! Probably need at least 1 "mature" person on scene.Very excited about having 24hr availability so close to home and new equipment. The price and a month to month contract is also appreciated. The warning that a follow up membership (annual) fee will apply was good business. Almost all internet blog reviews on PF were complaints of unfair/unforseen bank account charges and withdrawals. Also, major complaints about difficulties discontinuing membership. Made me print out my contract and read the very tiny text! Still feeling, what about an opening date???


The staff was very nice when i went in today to sign up, I'm excited to start my new adventure with them, just hope the gym isn't so packed! Other than that i enjoyed their staff and their politeness (:


I rarely post reviews, but always read them. I felt compelled to put my two cents in here. Keep in mind, this facility isn't even open yet. These reviews are concerned with the temporary membership office. I had a very positive experience joining this gym. I can't wait until it's actually open!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Except the peak hours, this place remains quite free or moderately crowded.

This business has a rating of 4.3-star.

This business has 120 reviews.

The address is: 32261 Mission Trail Bldg F, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 .

The contact number is (951) 471-4999

This service is listed under Gym .

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